Spotlight Hobbies

If you can get pre made lines you are better off as long as you can get the right lengths. I would always use string and / or a coat hanger to figure out the routing - then measure the length to get the closest size. I am an ASE Certified Master Technician with 30+ years...

......and still can make only "questionable" / "ugly" flares with a "Pro" Kit !!! You have to get your setup just right and be very patient and work SLOW to allow the metal to stretch properly. In the industry we are at a it will either seal or leak status. Good news is you will usually find out pretty quick if it is sealed or not. Bottom line is most of us humans cannot match a machine generated flare and you are much better off getting dimensional pre flared lines preferably Stainless Steel as it will look better if the lines are exposed in any way. Hope this helps !!!!!

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