expected but still some folks showed up. The overcast did occur, but not as heavy as feared and many still got to see the total eclipse. I was lucky enough to be one of the folks that got to see it because the cloud cover got pretty thin with open periods over Belton, Texas at just the right times. It was also my birthday and my sister who lives there had a combination birthday/eclipse gathering party for a small group of us. It was great. She and her husband provided the safety glasses lots of food and beverages and it was a great show. My other sister found a black T-shirt for me with an image of an eclipse with the date in the center and the message "I BLEW OUT THE SUN ON MY BIRTHDAY" on it. ;^) I was not trying to take pictures of the event but several were so I might receive some in a day or two and will try to post them here if I do. It was a great time. And the overcast?? Well, it did bring the front a bit late and my remote gauge at the house registered 5.86" as of Tuesday evening! Which is a LOT compared to usual rainstorms here.