Spotlight Hobbies

I have limited experience with 3D printed parts, mostly wheels and a few engine kits. First thing, do not soak the parts in anything. The engine kit I did that on turned mushy and deformed. Fortunately, the parts eventually dried and went back to their original shape. I now

clean then with a damp wipe of alcohol, though I do test first. I've had a few body parts that were sticky when I got them. I let them set in the sun on the patio for several hours and they dried up eventually.

A light touch on the sanding has worked for me. I did need a file on some of the parts but, again, a light touch worked.

Painting, I use a light coat of Tamiya smooth primer and have had success with both Tamiya and lacquer color coats.

For glue, I use Zap-A-Gap medium CA+ and that works well, for me.

Hope this helps!

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