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OK Revell........a kit of the REAL Elanor got most of the parts....... *NM*
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Off the bench......PICS......
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Off the bench......PICS......
Squeaky clean build. Really nice. Like how well the Revell chrome did on your wheels. *NM*
Very nice and very cleanly done. *NM*
Really, really nice build. I like the color, and I think painting the hubcaps makes them look right! *NM*
OK Revell........a kit of the REAL Elanor got most of the parts....... *NM*
Super Pristine David! Congrats on what I think may be the first published completion of this kit. Way to go....tb *NM*
I did one of these for my 24 hr build, posted here on Jan 26 or so. JFYI *NM*
Can you repost yours?...I obviously missed it first time around (or forgot it?) Thx...tB ...TB *NM*
Very nice! *NM*
Very nice build David! *NM*
I like the Hurst logo on the pistol grip shifter. A nice detail. *NM*
It's included on the kit decal sheet. Almost impossible to see but there are two Hurst logo's the are on the shifter stalk. *NM*
Nicely done, David. (I'm tired of black interiors, too.) That Revell Chrome spray is really something, huh?! *NM*
Looks terrific. Maybe Tim Boyd can scan and post the cover page of the '71 Mustang catalog this is a dead ringer for that one
This one? *NM* *PIC*
I had thought about that but was unsure how the Revell spray would react to a wash. *NM*
I think a plain acrylic (Tamiya) would be fine *NM*
Looks great....great color! *NM*