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But that's a Super Stock car, and the kit was a Pro Stocker. The Ramchargers DID briefly run Pro Stock, but with a '70 Challenger *NM*
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All right now Revell. It's high time you reissue your S&M Cuda kit. Except this time maybe issue it as the Ramchargers Cuda! *PIC*
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All right now Revell. It's high time you reissue your S&M Cuda kit. Except this time maybe issue it as the Ramchargers Cuda! *PIC*
Nifty... there were a number of SS company car Hemi 'Cudas *NM*
The only funny car they have out now is the Plymouth car (previously the Cop Out) if that's correct? No dragsters? Maybe they are not interested in licensing race cars ? I'm not sure. *NM*
Revell is now a German company. They got rid of the NASCAR stuff, and some of the drag racing items, they are doing new kits of American cars but it seems they will concentrate on stock versions for the most part *NM*
I agree!! *NM*
I read on a fb group that Atlantis has signed a license deal with Don Prudhomme and the estate of Tom McEwen *NM*
Tom McEwen and Don Garlits - Atlantis
Spoke with Peter @ Atlantis about these two kits, and he mentioned they would be released in the next month or so..... *NM*
The Sox & Martin livery is probably the best-known, sort of like Grumpy's Toy or Dick Landy. Even when the 'Cuda kit was released, I'm guessing any other version would have been more a sales stretch *NM*
But that's a Super Stock car, and the kit was a Pro Stocker. The Ramchargers DID briefly run Pro Stock, but with a '70 Challenger *NM*
I know the cars ran in different classes. So how about if we have a comparison of pictures of the 2 cars.
This kit is RIPE for a reissue, yesterday @ NNL East, the asking prices were off the wall IMO. Maybe they can release it as a generic drag car and let the after market handle the decals and such. Didnt think to ask them about it.... *NM*