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Somebody with a welder and some rusty sheetmetal had too much time on their hands. *NM*
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Somebody with a welder and some rusty sheetmetal had too much time on their hands. *NM*
I spent the afternoon with folks who have welders and too much time on their hands. And sang the National Anthem. I HAD A BLAST!!!!!!-----------MORE EXAMPLES
If it's moving, it's not setting around. Just sayin... *NM*
I CAN'T UNSEE THAT.... Dang I'm sorry I did. For me this is a style that I wish would go away soon, hate to make a comment like this but C'MON. *NM*
I know we all have our thing cause I'm far from perfect. I don't know maybe it's just me. *NM*
It' just you Frank. Actually, I also have my own thing. Everyone does. We all just need to share a little more. That's what I'm doing with no regrets. *NM*
Yeaaah I get it... I guess I'm glad he is in the hobby and likes cars as much as I do. It's all good and I appreciate the post but I still can't unsee it. LOL *NM*
Frank, I'm with you on this,but to me each his own. I see rat rods as the progeny of past fads like over-customized cars of the early 60's, undriveable thingies like the bathtub car, and prostreet cars. Cars built to follow the laltest fad reach a point where theyh are no
RAT is moving toward Mad Max all the time!!! *NM*
Isn't Mad Max fantasy? With high paid folks designing and building vehicles used only in the movies. *NM*
Not really talking about the films actors or design team......Rather the MM LOOK ......IMHO ONLY remember. *PIC*
Apparently all these builders respect each other's work. This '47 was at the same show parked next to a Mercedes---------PIC
I have no issue with the Mad Max look....... *PIC*
BTW the Mercedes is a direct tip of the hat to the Bankers Merc in Fury Road!!! *NM*
We all have different and varying levels of taste in automobiles. Some like stuff like this, some hate it and the rest tolerate it I guess. *NM*
Maybe we should all hide!! *NM*
Are any of these heaps registered and driven? If so, I'd like to know in what state. I will be avoiding it! *NM*
What state? For one state there's a clue in my name. Some others are AZ, CA, UT. *NM*
I think these are fun in the sense of figuring out where all the parts came from :-) | Pics |
Crap rods.........only thing thats worth saying. *NM*
I don't hate it like some do, The Kar Kulture thing took some getting used to for me......
It's cars like these that will inevitably lead to laws banning modifying cars... It's already happening in Europe... *LINK*
I guess it's O.K. in Nevada. *NM*
Careful. *NM*
All trends end up consuming themselves, eventually ...
Why make something ugly when with the same effort you can make something look good. Not just the eye of the beholder either but built ugly on purpose. *NM*
I think it's something like the '70s punk rock mentality expressed in automotive terms. Shock value. *NM*
Sort of looks like Rat Rods meets Steampunk *NM*
IMHO, it was kind of a rebellion against the rich guy pro-built billet rods. As time goes by, the ‘cool’ rebellion becomes mainstream and pedestrian. The next big thing comes along, and the followers follow, leaving the die hards to carry on. We’re almost there. *NM*
When "punk" ended up at the mall as a form of dress-up day, then it wasn't punk any more. I was tired of Junkyard Rat the day it started
Well said. *NM*
Saw blades and reinforcing rod belong on construction sites *NM*