Save for wheels and tires, the Newport Convert is pretty good. I snagged a builder-plus for about $30 a few shows ago, some assembly as usual. A touch shy of JoHan, and parts didn't quite interchange. But, still a worthy subject.
With Atlantis' ability to tool parts that were never included i n vintage Revell kits - 1/32 Cadillac windshields for example - I'm thinking they may be able to get to a complete kit over the finish line. IIRC, Dean Milano said most of the '62 annual kit parts were in the tools, but cutting inserts for the missing clears, and rigging a tire mold would be cost prohibitive at a workable price. That was well before the tide of 3D modeling and offshore tooling opportunities.
I think with a little creativity they could work a deal with Pegasus for some sort of "off the shelf" wheel tire solution to get the molds in service and out the door. Double points if the SATCO tire molds ever surfaced again. In fact, that Chrysler would be flat bitchin with the Radirs or four bar Lancer caps.