Spotlight Hobbies

Looking through the back issues of SAE magazine available from Spotlight is quite the trip down memory lane.... This is particular issue changed my life as a modeler.... *PIC*

Back in the summer of 1980, I was 19 years old... After working 40-50 hours during the week, and with a little change in my pocket,
on Saturday mornings I would take what I liked to call my weekly hobby tour.... I would hop in my 55 F100 and drive into the Illinois Quad Cuties.

My first stop was always Leisure Time Hobbies, located at the bottom of the 7th Street hill, in East Moline...
I would usually come away with a new kit or two.... Or maybe a vintage kit from the consignment shelf... I once scored a large stash of Revell Parts Packs there.

Anyway, I still remember my wonder st spotting this magazine that I had never heard of before.... It opened whole new world for me!!!!
Up to this point, my only source for seeing what other folks were doing was Tim Boyd's excellent Modelers Corner column in Street Rodder Magazine,
but this was an entire magazine devoted to the hobby that I loved!!!

When I got home that afternoon, I read that 1st issue font to back several times, and then ordered all the available back issues and became a subscriber, +
which I was until the magazine's short sighted demise a few years ago.

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