Spotlight Hobbies

Thanks Guys. Easily Restorable as paint easily came off in Purple Pond. More thoughts inside. PIC

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I am missing a hubcap and I find those one piece tubs (not pictured but it too came clean) including seats difficult to work on. The El Camino roof and bed would fit easily but I already have a 59 and a 60 Pontiac as pickups. I also like Rich's GM roof idea but I don't have a donor. Frank's T-bird is the kind of custom I am leaning toward. I have four very cool Johan custom seats from Cadillacs I would like to use. I am thinking of a long sweeping fastback type roof to enhance the side shape and fins but am drawing a blank.
This is one of my favorite times in modelling - planning and dreaming before beginning.😂
More thoughts always welcome.

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