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That's pretty clean Dave. Have you thought about doing a resto? *NM*
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Had a great time at Detroit show. Bought this and looking for suggestions. PIC
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Had a great time at Detroit show. Bought this and looking for suggestions. PIC
I'd put a hard top on it, if you have one laying around. *NM*
Dave, I happen to have this one sittin' on the shelf. If I can help with measurements or other info let me know. If you're adding a fastback roof maybe an AMT '60 Pontiac would work. Possibly a Revell '60 Chevy. Sorry, I don't have any donors but can measure.
Well if you want a custom and you have no windshield how about a Speedster.
Frank, you don't happen to have any leftover engines from those kits you butcherd for the interiors do you? *NM*
Sorry, I'm referring to the Revell Mustang Mach lll kit engines. *NM*
Yes I do. *NM*
That's pretty clean Dave. Have you thought about doing a resto? *NM*
Thanks Guys. Easily Restorable as paint easily came off in Purple Pond. More thoughts inside. PIC
Another thought - how about a ‘bubble top’ roof from a ‘61 Chevy or Pontiac, or a more formal roof from a ‘62? *NM*
Dave, I wonder if a Testors Chezoom roof might work on that Buick. *NM*
I'd take a look at a '66 Wildcat roof *NM*
I really like that idea.... Another option that would look cool (at least in my opinion) would be a '61 Plymouth/Dodge roof. *NM*
Dave, this is Melanie Orr's beautiful Buford kustom konvert... *NM* *LINK* *PIC*
I know this car, and Melanie and Fred very well. The story behind the build is very wild. Many years, many shops (can you say "unscrupulous) and mucho dinero. It now belongs to the Peterson Museum.) *NM*
I was going to suggest something like that with a set of Boranni wires on it, and LOOOOW !!! and smooth *NM*
Like this, only flashier?...Pic
sorta kinda yes that is nice too ! *NM*
Mmm, very nice Bob! *NM*
Would the windshield and windshield frame from the Revell/Monogram '59 Chevy convertible fit? *NM*
My friend Mike Clements built this a few years ago, with the Chezoom roof....Pics
... with Chezoom roof.... Now you're talking! Lovely build. *NM*
IMO - nobody out-styled GM back then, take a look at this concept and see if it floats your boat (Buick XP-75) *LINK*
The things we learn! Love it and a long sloping roof is definitely in my plans now. Just need to find a donor kit. *NM*
Dave, there are a bunch of the Quick Builder kit out there for sale. *NM*
Thanks Bob. I actually found that A resin company does just the chezoom roof. One is on its way! *NM*
Dave, was it Miissing Link that has the roof? *NM*
Yes. Wasn't sure whether to post that. Will post progress once it arrives . *NM*
Dave, didn't see an email address in your profile. My email is in my profile. Would you send me a brief note? I want to mention something off the board. Thanks. *NM*
Dave, found your email address. I sent you mail. *NM*
I have responded. *NM*
Reach out to Kevin, he would know for sure (LOL) we did a few custom projects for some guys in the club... *NM*
Sweet! *NM*
It’s a shame in what they’ve become these days. *NM*