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they would also work on a JR Stocker on all 4 corners. *NM*
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Saw an internet model car video that noted that the new reissue Dodge Demon kit has four narrow Cragar S/S-style rims that are good enough to be for '69-early '70s Pro Stock Cragar.
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Are the 5 spoke mags in the recent Revell '64 Impala low rider kit new? Or were they in previous releases? *PIC*
Dunno if they are new or old but sure look like Cragar SS mags to me....proper 5 spoke,chromed alloy mags not these glorified tractor wheels that proport to be "mag"'ll get off my, where are my *NM*
Each his own, but I'm right there with ya on that one! *NM*
Found my meds.....ah, thats better.....yep still look like *NM*
I never saw them anywhere else. They look like decent Cragar S/S wheels, without the center cap engraving. Kind of a shame they didn’t bother to license them. *NM*
I haven't seen the new decal sheet ,, Maybe there's decals for the centers on it ?? *NM*
The most knocked-off wheel in history - one of my favorites
Plus the '37 Chevys. , also the MPC ones look great. *NM*
It amazes me that 50-60 years ago they were able to make more accurate Cragar S/S wheels than what we get today. And oh, they had perfectly engraved center cap logos. A tiny dab of clear blue and they looked awesome. What has happened? *NM*
China has happened, Bill. To them, a specification sheet is just a suggestion, usually ignored. For some reason, Revell has been very vague and inaccurate in their replication of wheels & tires lately. *NM*
Avoiding licensing enters into it too *NM*
Saw an internet model car video that noted that the new reissue Dodge Demon kit has four narrow Cragar S/S-style rims that are good enough to be for '69-early '70s Pro Stock Cragar.
It was Luka Cee, aka Matt Conte. He used to be a regular on here. *NM*
Good to know, tell him I said hi! *NM*
they would also work on a JR Stocker on all 4 corners. *NM*
Not sure anyone ever got them 100% correct, the ones in the Baldwin Motion Camaro are pretty good as were the aftermarket ones....can't for the life of me remember who made them, They did Keystones too with big and little tires...anyone remember? *NM*
I think they were bu MRC *NM*
Are these the MRC Cragars--I thought they were. *PIC*
I don't know why they stopped making them. I think they were perfect, and a nice depth. *NM* *PIC*
There were complaints about the tires that came with them: "too blocky", "sidewalls too flat" *NM*
Some truth to tire issues, but not enough to stop using them IMHO! *NM*
The biggest issue I had with them relates to the original post, the offset of the front wheels was way too deep.
The tires that came with the Cragars were perfect, The tires that came with the Keystones were horrible. *NM*
They are MRC. Larry Greenberg panned the tires as being flat-sidewalled. Site down the tire--tread is a 90 degree angle from the sidewall. Real clunky looking, I think. Use AMT tampo-printed tires instead. *NM*
MRC - Here is one set *NM* *PIC*
My opinion....the resin Cragars from Fireball Modelworks. Love them! *NM*
YES! MRC, that's the one. They were kinda pricey as I remember it. *NM*
The retail when I purchased new was $9.98 a set. I have 5 examples of the sets (5 variations with tires). Cragar and Keystone wheels were sold with Goodyear, Firestone, or Mickey Thompson tires. *NM*
The Keystone Classics are may favorite wheel of all time. *PIC*
Pretty sure the box says they are newly tooled wheels. *NM*
Just double checked, this is correct. *NM*
Thank you. *NM*