Spotlight Hobbies

On the Table Today

After spending the beginning of the month refreshing my studio (let's call it that since it's both a design studio, radio production studio and a place of creating trucks for my shelves) I dragged out this kit that I "assigned to this configuration" back in 2013. Some of the resin parts date back to 2008, and some from a year or so ago. This will be a Canadian style tri-drive, sleeper equipped dump truck originally owned by Pidherney's. Based on photos of several Pidhernery 367's I photographed at the Peterbilt Motors Co. Factory in 2011/12/13. The base kit is the Italeri (or AMT version if you like) Peterbilt Long Hauler with a resin copy of the hood I made in 2008 (hood cast by AITM or P&P). P&P DPF box and batter box, Kit Form Services tires and front wheels, KootneyBay 3d DEF tank and cab roof by Model by Dave. The dump box is from the Revell Kenworth Dump Truck.

I cut the kit sleeper from the 63" size to the optional 48 size

The real trucks for reference

Thanks for looking!


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