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And what a great book it is, as well. *NM*
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Back Story *PIC*
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Back Story *PIC*
Terry, great story for a truly great book......I have a well thumbed copy & would happily buy another if its ever reissued as I think it would still be a good seller, again, thanks for all your efforts. *NM*
Fun little back story... I especially like the part about the police... Reminds me a bit of an experience I had last fall....
I'd keep that warm fuzzy feeling going by building a model or as close to one of their current cruzers & present it to them to display in their squad room. *NM*
I'm sure they'd appreciate the gesture...had a couple of diecast vics that I decaled up and passed on to the local constabulary a few years ago.. *NM*
Similar experience back when my dad had a quarter section of mostly empty land on the south edge of our small west Texas town that he was selling parcels from. I was his sign painter and had done one on a 4'x8' panel of plywood a few years earlier. It was during a downturn
That's a neat story Marty! Hope you and Cindy are doing alright these days! *NM*
Nice! *NM*
And what a great book it is, as well. *NM*