Spotlight Hobbies

SOME PROGRESS... On "Bad Bossa Nova". This is just mocked up until I get the new seat painted should have finished it today but because of the really nasty weather I stayed in and Well you'll see on another post. PIX and thanks for looking

After cleaning the drifts around my car and letting it run to warm it up to melt the snow off it (That didn't work out so well at 35 degrees below zero w/wind chill). Oliver and I decided to come in, well he wanted in first I guess sitting in his stroller was a bit much. He spent pretty much 95% of the day wrapped in the blanket. I came inside after about 45 minutes and so glad I was done doing what I was doing. Late last night I looked up some more pictures and I found out the seats I had weren't right... Not that my build is completely right but pretty close for me. IT'S A MODEL and we all have limitations. The car appeared to have some cheapy seats in it like the Hemi Darts. I didn't want to use the resin seats I had for the few Dart projects I have so into my Corvette parts box cause I have plenty of 67 Vette seats and scratch built the swiss cheese framing. The holes are a bit off but when I make them bigger they should be pretty even. Not exact but for me it will pass. Some of the pictures I looked at had a few different version of the car one had green tinted windows, one had only a windshield, another had no rear window. I like the green tinted but we'll see.
I bought the decals a few months back, don't remember who did them and they were very nice to work with if I had any complains I think they could be a tad smaller BUT! It works.
Might seem really silly but I have this thing about painting the bumpers black unless the car is black.

OH! OH! OH! did I forget to mention I used the AMT Nova body took out what I needed then I mated it with the Moebius Nova Gasser. Did I mention I did NOTHING to drop the body down on the chassis. Shouldn't say nothing I trimmed the door cards at the top so they would fit to the top of the door... Just that and that really wasn't worth mentioning cause you'd figure it out,

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