Spotlight Hobbies

OT: Have I mentioned that I moved? ;). *18 IMAGES*

I moved from Magog, Quebec, Canada to Moose Brook, Nova Scotia, Canada which involved changing time zones.

Day one saw me trade Quebec for New Brunswick. We had some snow when I packed up but there was considerably more in northern New Brunswick.

Gromie and I spent that night in Grand Falls, NB after about six hours on the road plus the time zone change. He managed to slice me open when he was being put in to his travel cage for the first time. I don't blame him one bit.

On day two, we stopped at a hobby shop in Hanwell, NB before pushing on towards Nova Scotia. Notice the distinct lack of snow at the NB/NS border.

We had such nice weather that we couldn't have asked for better weather for a winter drive. Before 10 on the second day, I was glad that the Subaru was AWD due to construction and some snow.

This is where it got real for me. I knew where I was going and what I should expect but...The is the northern end of the Bay of Fundy which is between NB and NS. It's home to the highest tides in the world. This was taken in the vacinity of Maitland, NS.

There's so little traffic out here that I could stop in the middle of the lane and snap a pic..

As you could see, I couldn't stop stopping as the view overwhelmed me.

My cousin and his wife run an Air BnB here and I'm being allowed to build on part of their 65 acres with views that are nothing short of spectacular. I'll show you some of that later.

I was given this at the NS Visitors Center which Ill be going back to in warmer weather so I can be properly piped in as the Celtic Heritage is strong in NS.

Where is Moose Brook you may ask? Follow the tip of the weathering pencil that I picked up at the hobby shop on day one.

The Air BnB isn't called Raven's Rest for nothing.


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