Spotlight Hobbies

SHADOW DN3 a little progress and a REQUEST! *PIC*

Slow progress.....basement flooded after 2" of rain here in WV, that took 2 days. But I have gotten the color on the body and just need to polish it. Tamiya TS14 spray can black.

Now a request!!!! I came home one day and my model room door was open. Not a good thing. I have 3 cats, 2 of them are barn cats that behave well. The 3rd is a large Siamese that is always in trouble. If you have ever seen Disney's 'Lady and the Tramp' the Siamese in that film are good compared to mine.
Well on checking my open model room....I see SI, my Siamese, has been on my desk......and a rear tire is missing and lots of stuff on the floor. I looked for two days for the tire.....but SI loves anything that rolls......needless to say that tire did that well.
So I need a Tamiya rear from the 70's-80's era kits. I'd buy another kit but these things are pretty high right now.....and just to steal a tire......SO if anyone has a rear they can spare???? Thanks

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