Spotlight Hobbies

A Quickie Build.. sort of

Occasionally I will spend some time opening kits and looking (the old "grocking" term?) to see what's what - my kit inventory has aftermarket and modified pieces stored inside the kit boxes with the notes and reference photos of the intended subject in the box.

Anyway, one AMT Ford LNT8000/Snow Plow had a painted cab/hood/interior. There was no date on when this was painted. It might have been a paint test of some off-brand paint as I can't find a perfect match to it.
It called out to me.. so off the workbench it went - becoming a mid-70's single drive tractor in fleet dress for the old Motor Transport Co. from Milwaukee.

The Spokes are from the parts box, the left side cab step is a resin piece from Models By Dave.
The company logos are home-brew printed on BMF decal paper.
The FORD lettering on the front is from the AMT Garwood kit.
The LNT logo on the hood is from Graphics on Demand.
I thinned the grille and cleaned out all the excess plastic from inside the grille openings.

Thanks for looking!


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