Spotlight Hobbies

Wellll,thanks to you guys on this here Message Board, yesterday, I "bit the bullet" and started airbrushing!!! First time in about 12/14 years!! Yup, made THREE "cardinal errors"!! Can't believe I went this long, as I use to LOVE to airbrush. Now, that I can airbrush in the

house, "Katy bar the door"!! L.O.L.Model Master acrylic(to me), is the way to go! I thank each and every one of you who took the time to "educate" this old fart on what to use(paint), and so on. Oh, and I use Paasche airbrushes, and maybe I'll bring out "old reliable"(Badger 200)which I've had since late '60's. AND, still have TWO original Badger compressors(still work, too). Later guys, and many thanks again!!! Boomer

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