Spotlight Hobbies

First look inside the box: Salvinos JR Joey Logano Mustang *LINK* *PIC*

My advance ordered Salvinos JR Joey Logano Mustang was delivered on Saturday, February18, 2023, just a day before the 2023 Daytona 500 race.

Following are 30 photos of the kit, starting with the box top, and proceeding through all the parts runners, decals sheets, etc. These are followed by a photo of each page of the instruction sheet.

This is a highly, highly detailed model car kit. Parts are molded in four colors (yellow, black, silver, and white). Two full decal sheets with incredibly fine cut carrier film borders, sourced from PowerSlide decals, are very thorough and impressive.

The kit appears to share nearly all the underbody content with the earlier Salvinos JR Camaro kits, which is understandable giving the similarity of the NASCAR spec chassis. My only disappointment is that the engine, which of course in the real car is sourced from Ford, appears to share the Camaro parts in the kit. (I don't have the Camaro kit handy, so please correct me if I am wrong on the engine parts).

Anyone attempting to build this kit will have a long and hopefully enjoyable building experience. Certainly in terms of parts count and overall engineering, this kit appears to be one of the high points in the current state of the model car hobby.

Thanks for looking....TIM

PS - This kit was purchased by me with my money. There were no agreements with the kitmaker regarding the possibility of this on-line presentation, nor the content of same

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