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Asking the maker of the body might steer you in the right direction *NM*
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While looking at resin bodies for a funny car chassis, what would you suggest using for the windshield? I'm thinking that HobLob has clear sheets that I could use. Do I go for the thinnest, or go for a bit thicker? *NM*
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While looking at resin bodies for a funny car chassis, what would you suggest using for the windshield? I'm thinking that HobLob has clear sheets that I could use. Do I go for the thinnest, or go for a bit thicker? *NM*
You go for the one that's clearest and has no ripples/rubs/smudges on it, Mike. *NM*
A lot of consumer stuff is blister packed. Check closely for ripples. I've used Q-Tip clear blister packing for years. *NM*
Asking the maker of the body might steer you in the right direction *NM*
Clear vinyl report covers from the CVS, Dollar Store, etc... inexpensive, easy to cut and fit. Secure with the narrow two-side tape. *NM*