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Shouldn't but it does. It's not rocket surgery to bash the RM '65 FB with the Fairlane Thunderbolt to get the first of the "2%" Mustangs
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Nice ! That Boss 429 in the 65/66 - I'm surprised it would fit ! :-) *NM*
.... thanks to that extra skosh of room under the hood. An overdue project on my workbench!
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Re: WOW! Those are all beauties! *NM*
Nice ! That Boss 429 in the 65/66 - I'm surprised it would fit ! :-) *NM*
Shouldn't but it does. It's not rocket surgery to bash the RM '65 FB with the Fairlane Thunderbolt to get the first of the "2%" Mustangs
Looking good David!! *NM*
That Stark Hickey Ford I'm doing the same car and I have that set up but I don't remember where I got the intake setup... Do you remember? *NM*
One of the mid '60's Fords I think. *NM*
I bought two and it was resin. *NM*