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WOW!! *NM*
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(pics) For 4, 2.....From the period of mid 1941 until 1945 The automotive manufacturers had shifted almost entirely to 'war production' . Almost a decade ago, my brother, Larry, scratchbuilt this 1/25 Dodge WC 19 panel van (mostly in brass)
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(pics) For 4, 2.....From the period of mid 1941 until 1945 The automotive manufacturers had shifted almost entirely to 'war production' . Almost a decade ago, my brother, Larry, scratchbuilt this 1/25 Dodge WC 19 panel van (mostly in brass)
WOW!! *NM*
That is so awesome, I love those old Power Wagons, we could use one in styrene, because I sure don't have those kind of skills, amazing build! *NM*
I am at a loss for words just like when I see Charlies scratch building! Simply amazing! *NM*
Terrific Build! Thanks for the play by play creation stages pics. Remarkable work! *NM*
Thanks for posting that build, Cliff. I think I may have seen it in person at NNL Nationals back in 2015. I was there for the show. Love the brass work!! *NM*
Love the construction shots! *NM*