Spotlight Hobbies

WHAT WAS IN THE BACKGROUND.... 64 Buick GS AWB. Again in conversations with peeps. How this came about was a serious dealings going on. PIX and thanks for looking

Remember I was looking for a stock hood for a 66 Buick GS I found on "Pinterest" I was going to have decals made for it (My T-Bolt friend was going to order a set... STS decals) but I wanted a stock hood but if I couldn't find one I'd stick with the Teardrop hood . Well in my shameless plea Chuck Cochran made me a Godfather deal I couldn't refuse (this deal comes later). In the meantime my BNB bud gave me the Idea of getting a Modified Buick and use that grille.... I told him I hated to buy a $35 kit just for the hood. Conversation goes on "Frank you have a collection of AWB cars you have to have a Buick" I told him I could see getting a nice 66 Buick to cut it up. Well using the modified was out of the question because the kit would just go to waste. I was at the LHS the other looking for paint but I kept hearing a voice to look at the kits. Well what the heck so I pulled my pant leg up so my short arms can reach inside and get my money so I bought it. So this fixed my problem with my stock hood (That other story comes in a few days). Doing a AWB Buick and since it's going to be a drag car I didn't have to worry about the body side moldings, bumpers or the rear glass, seats deleted from interior, race dash, roll cage. The only thing I won't use is the chassis cause I already have an extra Chevelle I didn't have a plan for.

I'm using the half built Kelly Chadwick AWB Chevelle for mockup

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