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That’s funny!! LOL! *NM*
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I recently received a friend request from myself. *NM*
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Facebook is weird... I'm getting requests from the beyond... Boomer wants me to confirm a "Friend request"... RIP Boomer, I still miss you... *NM*
Sounds like Boomer's account was hacked. *NM*
Yeah, I keep getting new friend requests from my Dad's facebook account and he died in 2014 *NM*
I think I have as many dead FB friends as live ones. *NM*
All of this ^ ^ ^ is just one reason I don't do FB. *NM*
Ditto.... One of the MANY reasons!!! *NM*
There has got to be some way to delete those accounts of the folks that have passed away. Anyone know the trick? *NM*
I recently received a friend request from myself. *NM*
ROTFLOL!! So, Scott . . . did you accept? *NM*
That’s funny!! LOL! *NM*
I gave my daughter the info to delete my account after I kick the bucket. *NM*
I find Facebook informative. I just ignore friend requests. Also, my long distance family uses it. It's a means to keep up with them. *NM*
So are telephone calls. *NM*
I'm retired from the "phone" company. Tell me something I don't know about communication. *NM*