Spotlight Hobbies

Home again. (Thanks, obe.) *PICS*

I had a bad habit of selling off built models in the '90s and early '00s. Quite a few were projects for magazine stories, including one that got a cover shot.

It was this Hasegawa '66 Buick.

It had shown up on the cover for April, 1995 for a story called "Light My Fire." The story was about using Baremetal foil to mask flame graphics.

I didn't get the "hero shot" but there it was up in the corner.

In any case, I sold it as we were moving into a new home and didn't realize that I would be setting up covers as art on the wall. That was about 25 years ago. About ten years ago, I started looking for it--asking if anyone had seen it at shows or even for sale, but came up empty. Of the models I've built that have shown up on magazine or book covers, the Buick is the only one I was missing.

But a week ago, board member obe sent me an email to let me know that the model was posted for sale on eBay. I checked and it was my Buick. It belonged to a man named Paul Zeock, who has recently passed away. His son has been selling off his collection, and the Buick was part of that.

So I bought it. Paul's son was helpful in getting it home and it showed up today.

It's perfect--not even dusty. Doesn't show any wear at all.

Feel like I found the Holy Grail.


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