Spotlight Hobbies

OFF THE BENCH...Since I couldn't clear the Demon yesterday and kind of a stop on that this Chevelle was calling my name. PIX and thanks for looking

This car came to the top of my pile mostly because I was tired of moving it around. Seems silly but I've got my models in year order and this couldn't stack in my Chevelle stack always had to lay it on it's side so I pulled it just to get this out of the way. Believe me because it was a no brainer to build it didn't take long. I'm missing the rear valance or I misplaced it probably never had one, I bought this years ago in a bag without wheels and most of the extra stuff that came in the kit. The wheels came from the AMT 70 Camaro and tires were pirated from newer MoPar kits with the tempo print tires.

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