Spotlight Hobbies

Dodge Dart Max Wedge 3-speed reference pics from BaT *LINK*

I think every modeler with red blood in their veins has a box of parts waiting to become this very car presented here on Bring-A-Trailer.

Not a Mopar guy by any means, but this car looks wild as a snake and would be quite a blast to drive.

Don't feel like the rigamaroule of posting a pic right now, but, I think you will be well pleased to click the link and look at the car.

The interior looks like it would not be rocket surgery to replicate starting with one of the Lindy kits, and the Max Wedge would go without saying. Scale Motorsport made some stripe kits on clear decal film that would be pretty convincing, here.

IIRC, the Lindy chassis would need some trimming up to fit the JoHan body, but an MPC would just about drop in. Me, being the principal of the Olde Skool, would drop in the sweet 413 from the '49 Merc in an MPC swap environment.

Food for thought!~