Spotlight Hobbies

I've got one...

Originally, my older brother and I had three of them, minus a lot of the small accessories, the cars, and the bases. The base often got thrown away after kids scraped themselves on the corners, so few of these stations have them. Often the pegs on the wall pieces got snapped off so the station would then sit on a flat surface. This was not done to any of ours.
The original plan was that I would cast some of the missing pieces, then we would have three stations: one for him, one for me, and one to sell. I was actually able to find loose accessories for cheap on eBay. (Not anymore!). The hardest things to find in good condition are the garage doors (molded in silver plastic, paper thin, easily broken) and the windows (some sort of acetate, they curl up and turn yellow). I found FIVE garage doors from one vendor (had one good one), never did find any good windows. I'm making new ones for mine, and will make a base from some foam/plastic material I found at a plastics supply house. I didn't buy any separate cars, but already had one of the '59 Rancheros that I bought with the idea of detailing it and adding an interior.
My brother passed in 2014. I sold one station at NNL East afterwards and gave the money to my sister-in-law. She too passed before I sold the third one earlier this year; my niece will get that money next time I see her.
There is also a "Buddy L" version of this station (Texaco branding removed). No metal base, fewer accessories.

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