Spotlight Hobbies

Probably the umpteenth time this has surfaced - but - got the SA DVD disc on sale. Installed on my MacBook Pro but won't open

Running 12.6.7 - does that software change level make it inop?

I insert the disc in the DVD drive, walks through install, pops the icon on the screen, but double clicking it does nothing. "Open" takes me to the install package and a folder "SCAU" where clicking some more gets to the issues which are -wait for it! - password protected.

So, I'll just hang that digital "kick me" sign on the back of my shirt and wait for the thumps.

Any insight? Being able to sell off the enormous stack of SA would help me tons... at the minimum, I want a refund if the dadgum thing won't work.

It does work on a steam powered windows machine we have in the basement that is the primary digi photo repository of the family (I know....)

Thanks for anyone with an insight or solution.

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