Spotlight Hobbies

We can't post over 20kb size pics here direct from computer files. If you post them to a site that allows posting larger ones you can post there and then go to that site and copy the web URL for that pic. Then use that URL in the
In Response To: Would someone be so kind ()

Optional Image URL Box reply here for that one pic, or use the Text Box method for multiple pics's URLs in the same post: left arrow symbol (from the top of the comma key) imgSPACEKEYsrc= as a prefix to that URL followed by a right arrow symbol (from the top of the period key) with no spaces Except the one between the g and the s in the prefix, then skip a line and repeat for your next pic with its URL, etc.

If you want to post a pic that already has a URL from another site you can use that pic's URL directly. Just copy and use the pic's URL without having to post it somewhere else to generate a URL for it.

The reason I am somewhat familiar with this stuff is that I do not have a picture storage site, either. If you intend to post a lot of your pics over time you might consider one of the online picture storage sites like Fotki or one of the others (I cannot recall them just now or what the free ones are) that will then have URLs for the pics you store there.

Someone here (Bill H maybe?) has posted this info in a picture file of the instructions rather than a text file but I do not have that, which is why I have be spelling out names for some of the keys rather than using the actual keys format because if you do it tries to post it as the picture and you do not see the formula that makes it do that.

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