Spotlight Hobbies

I,along with some of my fellow North Texas Mustang Club members, went to a couple of car museums in north-ish Texas this past weekend. The larger of two was almost all Fords, and the other had nothing newer than 1941 in the displayed collection.

The larger one was in the town of Cross Plains., called (IIRC) Woody's Car and Baseball Museum. The upper mezzanine was dedicated to baseball history, centered on the Texas Rangers and Houston Astros MLB teams. The rest of the museum is auto-related. The only non-Fords I saw were a '59 Cadillac convertible and a late ;50s Corvette Newest car displayed was a 2014 Mustang anniversary edition. Neat place in a modern building.
The other museum is located in the town of Deleon. Think it was called the Terrill Car Museum (spelled Terrill, NOT Terrell). A '32 Studebaker sedan, a Pierce, a late '20s/early '30s Willys, and a steam car built in 1901 by a future Hudson engineer named Coffin were some of the highlights.

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