Spotlight Hobbies

GETTING THESE READY... to move forward. Been busy last few days w/appointments, wifey stuff, and garage stuff. PIX and thanks for looking

These I started to wet sand so I'll be ready for color tomorrow.

These are BMF'd and ready for clear.

I was digging looking for some Dart stuff and I guess I forgot I had this so I had no choice but to start digging at it

The Plymouth I got involved with strictly by accident. I have about 5 cars on display at the LHS and this guy was looking in the case and asked the shop owner who built them? Owner said he is down looking at magazines... well I didn't have it in me to say no to this old guy so I told him I would attempt to do it for him. Told him I didn't build that version for myself because of the paint scheme. So all I can do is try right. I know one thing WHAT A PAIN.

These are ready for clear so I can decal them.
69 Charger will be LA HOOKER

55 Chevy will be IVAN THE TERRIBLE (My version)

70 Camaro will be FIGHTING IRISH

70 Challenger will be CHI-TOWN HUSTLER

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