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2X - great opportunity to get a new product out with minimal investment *NM*
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I Think round2 has the Jenkin's licensing . While it's not as good as the Revell kit , the AMT 67 would be a good candidate IMHO, it's still decent. Surprised they haven't already done it! I'd be all in! *PIC*
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It's been probably 8 years since Revell had their '67 Camaro out. Sure would be nice if they brought it out as a '68 for a Grumpy Jenkins build. Just wishing. *NM*
I Think round2 has the Jenkin's licensing . While it's not as good as the Revell kit , the AMT 67 would be a good candidate IMHO, it's still decent. Surprised they haven't already done it! I'd be all in! *PIC*
2X - great opportunity to get a new product out with minimal investment *NM*