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Trosely is great, He used to do art for one of the mags like Kar Culture / Hot Rod deluxe or one of those, don't remember which.......
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I was introduced to CARtoons in the late '80s. I use to love the K&B series. I recognized George Trosley's art on the cover with K&B. *NM*
...He's also done some adult themed work as well. I have his how to book around here somewhere!
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Looking through the CARtoons articles our hosts have on hand. On the cover of issue 37 is a blue coupe. Kind of inspiring to me. *PIC*
Looks '32ish to me, and you might want to look in the OLD Revell '29 truck kit for a nose you could start with. Be sure to post when it's done! *NM*
I'm not bad mouthing the host products, but I find Cartoons pretty disappointing in comparison to what it used to be.
I was introduced to CARtoons in the late '80s. I use to love the K&B series. I recognized George Trosley's art on the cover with K&B. *NM*
Trosely is great, He used to do art for one of the mags like Kar Culture / Hot Rod deluxe or one of those, don't remember which.......
Has everyone seen George Trosley's personal ride?....PIC INSIDE
The most recent issue of CARtoons is disappointing. The K&B story's artwork looks like a bad computer scan of the original artwork. *NM*