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Re: The body is done pretty well, way better than Ertl's attempt at a '71 with that same kit. OK good to hear, thanks *NM*
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The body is done pretty well, way better than Ertl's attempt at a '71 with that same kit *NM*
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OK, just what is this? it's labeled AMT, looks sorta like the MPC kit, but I don't know for sure, looks like it has parts of both, but I don't know?! *PIC*
I should have looked closer, the Box art call outs are for the Ram Air 351 , my bad! *NM*
MPC '73 backdated to '71 *NM*
Re: MPC '73 backdated to '71 OK Thanks,,,,Did they get it right? *NM*
The body is done pretty well, way better than Ertl's attempt at a '71 with that same kit *NM*
Re: The body is done pretty well, way better than Ertl's attempt at a '71 with that same kit. OK good to hear, thanks *NM*
I built the 007 red one - same thing. I hunted down the directions for the MPC version online and that showed the extra parts / engine etc --