Project Carson is one I originally started on and laid out the original project goals and parameters for sometime in the mid 1980s. I occasionally started up work on it several times over the years but it always stalled out. Recently I decided to finally either build it or forget it forever. Carson is a mild custom that is largely based around the AMT 1950 Ford convertible kit with the Carson style top that only came in the original release of the kit. I smoothened up the body by getting rid of the badges and trim pieces. The hood has been likewise cleaned up. Since it's a curbside build the hood will be glued shut and the chassis and engine have been built as one unit and painted flat black for simplicity.
So far I haven't decided on the body or interior colors. It's going to be a really simple build as I currently already have several very involved and labor-intensive projects going on and I really don't want another one.
I hope the image shows up as I'm not sure if I got the codes correct.
I hope some of you might like this model. It's long overdue for completion!!