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After cleaning I sprayed the chrome spray on some Fireball resin Cragars and had no problems. *NM*
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I don't recall, can Revell chrome be sprayed directly on resin parts? How about printed parts (blue material)? Thanks. *NM*
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I don't recall, can Revell chrome be sprayed directly on resin parts? How about printed parts (blue material)? Thanks. *NM*
Jim, I just did that very thing a few days ago. MCW Cragars cleaned w/Tamiya Acrylic Thinner first. Sprayed beautifully--and I'm not that good a painter. Sorry, no PIX. Don't know how to do the smart phone thing. *NM*
After cleaning I sprayed the chrome spray on some Fireball resin Cragars and had no problems. *NM*
If you have the time, means and parts, I'd try a dip in clear Future before spraying to A/B test the finish
That is a great idea.... I wonder if a similar approach might help minimize the "graininess" of some 3D printed bodies before painting? *NM*