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I want to get a good pearlescent white paint job. Which has the best product for this, Tamiya, or Testors? Thanks. *NM*
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I want to get a good pearlescent white paint job. Which has the best product for this, Tamiya, or Testors? Thanks. *NM*
My vote is for Tamiya. However, if you want a REAL good pearl white then get an automotive brand. Like from MCW or hit one of the auto parts stores that carry spray paint. *NM*
Duplicolor Toyota/Lexus pearl white. Doesn’t have a bluish cast like some others. Clear gloss on top, and you're good to go *NM*
Well that sounds doable, thanks. *NM*
And, you want to start with white primer so fewer coats are needed *NM*
Thanks, I sorta figgured that. *NM*
There's a Pearl White Highlander near us and it's an amazing color. Very pure pearl white, sometimes a pinkish hue at night *NM*
That is more than likely the paint that Mark suggested. *NM*
I liked that color on the C-HR I had (until someone rammed into the back of it) *NM*
Tamiya Pearl White over white primer with gloss clear works for me. *NM*
Tamiya worked for me - but agree with the other comments depending on how much pearl you want in the finish. Also, try the nail polish aisle... I've seen pearlescents there, too
Interesting the different shades you can get,I hit a restored Ala Kart with white primer & Tamiya spray white pearl,came out great but got lazy doing the new tooled Ala Kart in grey plastic & shot the Tamiya can on that plastic,with a result being a slightly darker pear. *NM*
I could also see a super bright pure metallic silver (with no black mixed in) as a base for a tricoat pearl finish *NM*
Tamiya makes a clear pearl also, it would reduce potential guesswork as to the end color *NM*