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WOW!! *NM*
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1934 Ford 5 window coupes 4. *PICS*
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1934 Ford 5 window coupes 4. *PICS*
Great inspiration, many styles to choose from, all cool! *NM*
That light blue coupe, with it's East Coast channel, truck grille, spindle mounts and white walls, has got me all kinds of twitchy (*The same car appears in black and white a little further down the post).... Time to start gathering parts . *NM*
Marty, what's an East Coast channel? *NM*
Re: Marty, what's an East Coast channel? Yeah, same thing I was wondering? *NM*
Body's dropped down low over the frame. I haven't heard that term either but I suspect he's refering to it being channeled lower then you'd usually see. *NM*
I did a search on Google....
Yup.... There are some things that absolutely scream 1950's East Coast hod rod... And a deep channel with a stock or near stock height roof is one of them.... If you can find a copy of the book "Cool Cars, Square Roll Bars", I highly recommend it *PIC*
I'm not a huge hot rod guy these days but I like a low down rod with an unchopped roof. *NM*
WOW!! *NM*