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I'll box up tonight but I won't be able to get the USPS before noon so I'll for sure do it Monday. *NM*
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Thanks Frank, will do. *NM*
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Part Request
JR which kit did that come from? I have a few but some are different sizes. *NM*
Same here, what kit--your PIC looks mighty familiar. *NM*
I got them in a parts bag at a swap sometime ago. So I don't know...ugh. *NM*
How about I send you tires and wheels to finish it off from what I think they are. *NM*
JR I thought I had your mailing address can you send it to me. *NM*
Thanks Frank, will do. *NM*
I'll box up tonight but I won't be able to get the USPS before noon so I'll for sure do it Monday. *NM*