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Could you message me off the board please? Thanks *NM*
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Straight Line Friday
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Straight Line Friday
Cool stuff....I've seen that pink '34 before! *NM*
Blasts from the past! *NM*
Great bunch of pics this week CD.... Love the staging lane photo..... and that altered 55 Chevy racing against the Rat Patrol Jeep gives my all kinds of ideas!!!! *NM*
Love the collection pieces. *NM*
Re: Love the collection pieces. Those are the collection of Mike Guffey. When I went to see them I didn't realize he had them so compactly stored. He has bought another building so some may get moved to more spacious building, if they do I'll stop by and get better pix. *NM*
Great pics CD, especially like the 1:1 copies of 1/25th kits like the Plymouth Golden Commando & Mazmanian Austin *NM*
Too funny, actually the Maz Football is the only clone in the bunch. Mike found the body but never the original car. *NM*
Could you message me off the board please? Thanks *NM*
you have mail *NM*
Thanks for the memories! *NM*