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Well done :) *NM*
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#65 Chaparrall 2D
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#65 Chaparrall 2D
NICE clean work......on my to do list. *NM*
Beautiful!!! Are those the wheels that come in the Monogram kit? They seem much nicer than the ones in the one in my stash. *NM*
Yes Marty, I just added outer rims. *NM*
Okay, so you deepened them then... Huge improvement! *NM*
Beautiful!!! Are those the wheels that come in the Monogram kit? They seem much nicer than the ones in the one in my stash. *NM*
Very nice! *NM*
Especially considering your starting point kit. *NM*
Re: #65 Chaparrall 2D WELL DONE! *NM*
Wow well done JR. That looks amazing and the pics make it look like a 1/1. *NM*
Well done :) *NM*
Nice work JD! I did one of those last year. Here is mine.
Nice work Bob... these were great kit's from the 1966 time period. *NM*
Stunning! *NM*
Great results from a basic kit. *NM*