Spotlight Hobbies

The '55 Chevy is the best of the early Monograms IMO - even better than the T-Bird

Just grokking the kit feels good, the crispness of the plastic and outstanding engraving... so many ways to knock out a great build.

If you happen upon one, know that the recent Revell '55 Convert windshield frame fits the body if the original is bent or broken.

The fit of the PC 83 kit hard top can be dodgy, but it is a simple evening job to add a "badman" issue roof section, which yields a proper coupe shell. You will need to lightly reshape the new side window reveals to match the original roof. I made templates with tamiya tape and laid them in the new sections, then chased out the profile with sanding sticks. One side turned out better than the other, but bilateral symmetry is not my long suit.

Primary watch out in the kit is the very fragile LCA / spindle, a curious blind spot in Monogram/Revell engineering. The load on the chassis in front is taken at the weakest point, and almost certain to break if mishandled.

I've repaired them by making a triangular gusset from square evergreen to beef up that section, when painted it pretty well disappears. Or toss the darn thing and use a straight axle!

Lots of fun even if the scale is funky.

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