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Hey Jason, What's the name of your local hobby shop? I'll give them a call and see if they want to carry Auto Modeler Magazine. Scott *NM*
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Picked up the new 2024 Contest Cars annual at B&N yesterday. Haven't finished going through it yet, but the MCMA Showdown got four pages this year. *PIC*
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Picked up the new 2024 Contest Cars annual at B&N yesterday. Haven't finished going through it yet, but the MCMA Showdown got four pages this year. *PIC*
Hey Jason, What's the name of your local hobby shop? I'll give them a call and see if they want to carry Auto Modeler Magazine. Scott *NM*
Most of the LHSs still in business in the D/FW area are either R/C only shops, model railroad-only shops, or local franchise of the "town". One train store does have a case assortment of model cars and does carry some model train mags,but nothing beyond it.
There is a relative newcomer in Texas LHSs. I need your email to send you their info. Located south of Austin.
Just click on his name in his reply and you'll see his e-mail address. *NM*