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That was my recommendation last year when I talked to the museum curator...great place! *NM*
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I heard some great news yesterday. From a VERY reliable source. The International Model Car Museum will be moving to The Museum of American Speed in Lincoln, Nebraska. Seems that the lawyers just need to dot the 'I's and cross the 'T's. Not 100% official yet but super close. *NM*
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I heard some great news yesterday. From a VERY reliable source. The International Model Car Museum will be moving to The Museum of American Speed in Lincoln, Nebraska. Seems that the lawyers just need to dot the 'I's and cross the 'T's. Not 100% official yet but super close. *NM*
Yes, I heard that as well. Great place for it to move to. *NM*
That was my recommendation last year when I talked to the museum curator...great place! *NM*
Glad to hear, always feared it would be dispersed *NM*
If a certain, ahem, lawyer is reading this, it would be good to know what formal paperwork is required for specific bequests from collectors
Amen, Ragtop! Would love to see some type of permanent repository for some unique models. *NM*
Charlie, I hope there is a Fire / First Responder Museum where your builds will wait for the bell!
Wish there was. None known to me. *NM*
There's a nice one in Phoenix. *NM*
At Hudson, NY is what's claimed to be the world's largest museum of American firefighting. It is well worth a visit. *NM*
FASNY Museum is excellent and probably the second largest, but the Hall of Flame Museum in Phoenix is both larger and more international in scope. *LINK*
Have you tried the fire museum at Bare Cove? *NM*
Yes. Weren't interested. *NM*
Charlie, shoot me an email. I happen to know someone very well that is well-connected with a reputable fire museum.
Would that be the one where a certain Squad hung out with its partner for a while? 😀 *NM*
Indeed! You have a very long and accurate memory, John!
Thanks and I didn’t realize that it was that long ago. *NM*
I know. I keep thinking it must have been a month or two ago - because I just CAN'T be as old as all that! *NM*
I've known about this for months, but this wasn't supposed to be announced yet. An official announcement will be forthcoming. *NM*
Great (and reassuring) news. Smaller museums transitioning has become a sad normal. Hopefully this also means some opportunites for creative displaying and growth of the collection *NM*
It was disussed at GSL 2023. I am glad it came to fruition. *NM*
Forgive my ignorance, but wasn't long-time board contributor Mark Gustafson running that museum? What ever happened to him? Have not seen his name mentioned anywhere recently. Hope all is well. *NM*
Great question as I also am curious how Mark is doing and what he has been up to in recent times ??? *NM*
Getting up there in age, not unlike the rest of us *NM*
He was at the last GSL. He has some health/mobility issues but is still active with the museum. *NM*
When did the name change from "The International Model Car BUILDERS' Museum"? It seems the word "Builders' has been dropped. *NM*
My bad. *NM*
Reminds me when an offshoot club of the MCMA was started, around 25 years or so ago...