Spotlight Hobbies

Matt & Dawn, check this out. If not within your desires please delete. I have a few questions about contest coverage. Both for the people that post the pictures and then those of us use who view them.

First off let me explain my thoughs and ideas. My local club has been published by one or both Mags every year going back to 2002 at least. This year we are getting static from one mag. Of course l post pics here but for me if l decide l want to look at a contest that was posted here a month or so ago it is a pain the track it down. I don't want to cause any reduction in visits to Spotlight, so what if 2 or 3 week after the contest is posted here then, it gets posted to a website where many many other contest are posted. Like having an online contest issue.

So l am wondering how many contests never get published in either mag. Plus l have to figure out the cost for a website and how much data storage l would need. I know l will have a lot more question as l do more research but let's start with the following questions.

1. Do you post Pic here for your local clubs contest.

2. Do you normally have your contest in one of the Contest Issues.

3. As a viewer of contest here would you like a place where you can go months later to see the pics again.

That's enough for now. Thanks for your input.

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