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Thx again Wayne...went back and changed all posts and folders where I could edit/correct the name. Cheers....TIM *NM*
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The NNL NORTH is in May in Minneapolis..This shows at Detroit..Some nice work on the tables *NM*
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170 images of the models on display at the 2024 NNL North... the *LINK* *PIC*
I bought firewood from that guy! That is so real, I can smell the sawdust, engine blow by and cigarette smell from here *NM*
That's beautifully done. Apt name too... *NM*
The NNL NORTH is in May in Minneapolis..This shows at Detroit..Some nice work on the tables *NM*
Wayne, you're right of course. This is the Motor City NNL...will make that correction. BTW did you all know the first ever NNL in MSP was called the NNL Tundra, back in the summer of either 1982, or 1983? Best...TB *NM*
Boy.... Now that is a BIG blast from the past! I vaguely remember reading about the show when it was named that. *NM*
Thx again Wayne...went back and changed all posts and folders where I could edit/correct the name. Cheers....TIM *NM*
Great pictures, Tim! Thanks for sharing them with us. *NM*
Great Pics Tim! *NM*
Great show coverage! *NM*
Hey Tim, now I first thought that Tim Boyd came to the NNL North and I didn't even see him there?! Lol *NM*
I saw Tim B in the vendor area as we where mashed in the crowd - a quick Hey Tim! as we passed. *NM*
Got to visit for a minute with Tim - great to see him and chat and the pix are a valuable document of the hobby *NM*
Still hope to get back to the NNL North one of these years! TB *NM*
Get to my house and in upper central Illinois and we (Marty) can go up together. *NM*