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Any idea if the '72 Chevell SSlasher will have a stock hood? *NM*
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And here they are....images of new product news at the NNL North show....will be loading images of the NNL entries later today....TB
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And here they are....images of new product news at the NNL North show....will be loading images of the NNL entries later today....TB
I’m not seeing a link here. Looking forward to seeing these 2 new kits. *NM*
That's was there originally before I hit the "post"'s the link again...thx for the heads-up! TB s *NM* *LINK*
Thanks, Tim! Really looking forward to the Chevy wagon. *NM*
I already have originals of both the Barracuda and Nomad but I'll still get the new ones. *NM*
I'll get em both. Throttle Power has a video on YouTube shows a brief glimpse of the underside of that Nomad. *NM*
And this was the image I thought I included with the original message.... *NM* *PIC*
Hooray!! Can't wait to get my hands on a couple o those '60 Chevy wagons!!! LONG overdue. *NM*
Very cool, see both in my future! *NM*
Any idea if the '72 Chevell SSlasher will have a stock hood? *NM*
I cannot believe that they would bother to re-release that kit. That looks terrible. *NM*
Not a great lot for sure..... But I'll probably get one for the nostalgia of it... Built one with my nephew back in the day. *NM*
Not as bad as it looks Steve. The body is better then the AMT kit. The headlights look funky because of the re-tooling when it was brought back from being a race car with the headlights smoothed over. *NM*
I agree. It's the old MPC kit with the proper '72 grille, not the AMT kit with the weird looking egg crate grille (which has since been converted back to the '70). The previous '72 had the MPC kit on the box art, but the AMT in the box. *NM*
If it's like the last reissues, the hood is stock with the scoop an add-on. *NM*
Was there any indication of when the 65 Barra & 60 Chev wagon might be available?...thanks. *NM*
Not fair!!!! I just snagged a 60 Chevy wagon at the local antique mall a couple of weeks ago... Now EVERYONE is going to have one!!!!! LOL..... Looking forward to both that and the Barracuda! I'm also a bit confused....
LOL, I thought of you the minute I saw that! You can go ahead and rebuild it and drive Matt and Dawn crazy with everyone asking about that wagon!
Yup.... One Golden Commandos "GOLDFISH", coming up!!!! *NM*
I suspect that and the 43JR will be showing up on a lot of contest tables.
AMT is calling that wagon a Nomad, I thought a Nomad was a 2 door wagon? I'm not arguing , might be me being wrong all these years. *NM*
By 1960, the top-of-the-line Chevy 4dr wagon was called the Nomad. *NM*
Thanks for that *NM*
A first-gen Barracuda, finally! *NM*
More of my money going to Round 2! *NM*
Absolutely fantastic news! I’ll be in for multiples of the Nomad and Barracuda! *NM*