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Lots of eye candy! I really liked the Nova doing a burnout. Thanks Marty! *NM*
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Fresh model car show photos... Images from the Southern Lakes Auto Modelers' Grand Slam #8, in Johnstown, Wisconsin.... *PICS* *LINK*
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Fresh model car show photos... Images from the Southern Lakes Auto Modelers' Grand Slam #8, in Johnstown, Wisconsin.... *PICS* *LINK*
Lots of eye candy! I really liked the Nova doing a burnout. Thanks Marty! *NM*
Nice early Corvair. I have a couple to build but would love to find more at a reasonable price. *NM*
Thank you Marty! *NM*
Looks like an outstanding show there with many really, really creative modeling projects....thanks Marty! TB *NM*
Thanks for sharing those Marty. All great builds. *NM*
Who built those three survivors from the mid '60's? They are great builds that have held up very well. *NM*
WOW!! How great is that collection of builds!! *NM*