Spotlight Hobbies

I'd sort of dropped out of the hobby after the kids, then a friend of Mrs.' tipped me to the Toledo show (mid 90's)

Blew my hat off.

I'd heard about it, and had thought, "maybe take a spin down there to see what's up..." (Had been to nearly all of the Herb Jackson shows at the Dearborn Youth Center, which were fairly epic.)

Pow!!!! That was my real re-introduction to the modern version of the hobby. Both buildings STUFFED with vendors and everything under the sun from shrink wrapped $5 builders to the bigtime promo collectors and holy moly all the resin...

Could do without the lingering aroma of Sauerkraut (#ohio) but dang there was something amazing in every asile. Met SO many cool people there, made all kinds of friends and acqauintences, it was mind bogggling. Likewise, there were some sour apples, but they were overwhelmed by the vibe, at least for me.

Was on the eve of eBay and the internet taking over... what would you give for a time machine to walk the aisles again.

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